Thursday, June 28, 2012

It's Summertime Ya'll!!!

Hey everyone!

So, let me just fill you in on the last few weeks of my wonderful life!

My best friend/cousin graduated from high school. I am super proud of her. I can't believe she is on her way to the 'real world'. She has her whole life ahead of her and I can't wait to see what an amazing women that she will become.

Yes, this was not the highest temperature of the week and yes I thought I was going to d-i-e.

I moved to beautiful Alpine with my beautiful Nana into her beautiful casa and applied to Grossmont College. This will be the LAST transfer until I transfer to a university (SDSU)...cross your fingers.

because of the amount of job applications I have filled out and returned. God help me. I need at least one call back!!!!!!

and last but absolutely not least!!!!......

Packing a bikini, sandles, and tanning lotion for.....

drum roll please....

 It is almost tradition the week of 4th of July for my family to pack up the kids, pack up the swim suits, surfboards/buggy boards, and tons of food and head over to the Silver Strand Beach to camp out for a week and to relax and kick back like there is no worry in the world!!! It's a-mazing I tell you!

It's summertime everyone!! Party time, beach time, friend time!!

Kenny Chesney-Summertime
Summertime is finally here
That old ballpark, man, is back in gear
Out on 49
Man I can see the lights

School's out and the nights roll in
Man, just like a long lost friend
You ain't seen in a while
And can't help but smile

And it's two bare feet on the dashboard
Young love and an old Ford
Cheap shades and a tattoo
And a Yoo-Hoo bottle on the floorboard

Perfect song on the radio
Sing along 'cause it's one we know
It's a smile, it's a kiss
It's a sip of wine, it's summertime
Sweet summertime

Temperature says 93
Down at the Deposit and Guarantee
But that swimmin' hole
It's nice and cold

Bikini bottoms underneath
But the boys' hearts still skip a beat
When them girls shimmy off
Them old cutoffs

And it's two bare feet on the dashboard
Young love and an old Ford
Cheap shades and a tattoo
And a Yoo-Hoo bottle on the floorboard

Perfect song on the radio
Sing along 'cause it's one we know
It's a smile, it's a kiss
It's a sip of wine, it's summertime
Sweet summertime

The more things change
The more they stay the same
Don't matter how old you are
When you know what I'm talkin' 'bout
Yeah baby when you got

Two bare feet on the dashboard
Young love and an old Ford
Cheap shades and a tattoo
And a Yoo-Hoo bottle rollin' on the floorboard

Perfect song on the radio
Sing along 'cause it's one we know
It's a smile, it's a kiss
It's a sip of wine, it's summertime
Sweet summertime

This is my summertime anthom! I will be listening to this all week while I lay on the beach gettin' my tan on!

I am sorry again for not being persistent with my blogging. I'm getting used to it though. Everyday this week I thought to myself, "Damn, I really need to write on my blog today." Well, finally I am here!

As you can see I have been busy! I just want to tell you some things that is happening this summer!

So, this summer my older brother will be getting out of the navy which means we never have to endure the saddest moment at the airport again holding back tears and fear while waving goodbye another time until he walks away far enough that you can no longer see him and eventually waiting two more years or so until you see him again. I'm so glad I don't have to tell my big brother bye ever again. Now, I can tell him 'see-ya tomorrow' because he won't be 101920124901230979798 miles away ever again!!

Also, next month is my birthday! I have yet to figure out what I want to do for my birthday but that's okay. I will be turning 20! 

 I hope to be hanging out with these lovely/hilarious ladies this summer!!!

And having Mr.     Joshua James Garza driving out to Alpine to pick me up in his new ride!!! Woo!!! *BEEP BEEP* look out people for Joshua Garza and his new B-M-W!!

Spending a LOT of needed time with my big brother when he gets home. Our birthdays are two days apart and he is getting home a few days before mine so it is the best birthday I can ask for knowing my brother will be there. 

I hope everyone's summer is going well  and  filled with excitement and happiness. Safe travels to you all!! Congratulations to all your graduates, high school and college!

I will be back in a week!! 

Sweet summertime(: 

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Love is Patient, Love is Kind

Good afternoon everyone!

Sorry, it's been awhile since my first post...I've been busy! And not the fun kind of busy, the-dragging my feet all around school trying to get done for summer, kind of busy!!

However, I have been thinking really hard about what my next blog should be about! It only took me four days, right? Finally, I came up with something!

What is the most important thing us women/girls dream about all the way from childhood as we watch Cinderella and all the rest of our favorite fairy tale movies?


Is that cheesy? Whatever! It's about to get real cheesy up in here!

We go through relationships hoping that this one will be it. Why? Because we are impatient human beings that make mistakes every day, we set high standards and judge; criticize each other like we don't have problems of our own.

Love is what us women thrive on! We love to love! Right?

Okay, so no I'm not married nor do I have even a 'special someone' in my life, however I do know a thing or two about love because I have my bible sitting next to my bed every night making me feel guilty if I don't read it.

1 Corinthians 13:4-8

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
I love this verse! I can't wait for the day to find the truth in it when I get married. Let's be honest, that day won't be for a LONG time, I know! However, I believe when you find the right person that God created only for you to spend the rest of your life with, then this piece of scripture is true. But, it takes time to get there! When you are young you have this mind set that you have the 'perfect' guy built into your imagination. Well, give it 5-10 years and your whole list of the 'perfect' guy will be totally skewed.You grow up, experience things, mature, learn, you become someone. The last part I'm still trying to figure out myself!

I read and hear everywhere about girls keeping their eyes open for their "perfect" guy. I'm not saying I wasn't like that when I was young while listening to Taylor Swift songs. Yes you heard me right, I said Taylor Swift. Anyways, For those girls that are my age, 20...or younger...older even and still looking for the right person: You are perfect the way you are! What is right through Gods eyes, is perfect. You and I are perfect because God created us and God makes no mistakes. You do not have to become someone your not for someone to love you. You do not have to lose weight for someone to love you. He will come on Gods timing! He will walk into your life when God knows it's the perfect time. It may even be someone you already know! Who knows! Well, God knows...duh. God already has your love story written. When you get married to the right man, you two together will find this verse to be true but there will still be up's and down's, don't get me wrong.

We only love because he loved us first. John 4:19

I am young, but I am not ignorant. I know every marriage has up's and down's. I believe that if the two people are right for each other then they work passed their problems and that will make the relationship stronger. I have faith that if you put God in the middle of your relationship that everything will be okay.

No, I don't know it all because like I said, I'm not married. I do know Gods love for me though and that's all I need to know.


Well, I'm done with my rambling! That was fun and interesting, but now I have to go do what I hate love most...homework.

Thanks for reading today, have a wonderful day!! :)

Monday, June 4, 2012

Hello bloggers!

I'm new to this, so take it easy on me please!

I would like to start off and confess I am a not a thoughtful writer, I make grammar mistakes frequently, and I tend to ramble on and off of the topic. However, writing is  a secret passion of mine. I wish I had more of a passion for writing essays for school then blogging, but OH WELL! It's something I love to do because it's easier for me to get my point across a lot better through writing then actually talking. Maybe some other people are like that also?

I started a blog because I would like this to prep me for when I hope...WILL become a motivational speaker one day or at least try it once. This is only one of my many goals! Not only that, but it's fun and gives me time to collect my thoughts in a quiet room (no babies) with a fresh cup of coffee next to me! I will be blogging about life in general; struggles along the way, God, family/friends, college, food, recipes, goals that I will be setting from now on, and fun activities that come up! 

This is my beautiful family. Of course, my big brother Mikey is missing which I'll tell you later on about him. I'm in the purple sweater. Also, my sister to the right of me, she has a blog as well and you should read and follow her exciting/interesting posts. And props to Jess for motivating me and helping me start this blog in the first place. :) Thanks sissy pants! 

I am a 20 year old, college student that works at Target so I'm not as poor. And hey, who doesn't love Target!? But, i'm trying to figure my life out along the way! So far I've come up with Liberal Studies to be a kindergarten teacher after years of wanting to be a nurse. Why the sudden change of heart? I do what I want....and also because I'm really great with kids and I can see myself doing that for the rest of my life. Are you wishing me luck realizing now that I'm going to be surrounded by children FOR-E-VER? Yeah, I'm wishing myself luck too! I currently live with my sister in hell, I mean El Centro with her husband and two beautiful/loud kids, I'm already surrounded by children! But, I love those kids. I'm a catholic girl and God will always have a gigantic place in my heart. I love my family to death! Friends come and go but the one's that stuck around are amazing!

I have realized the last few months, my life can only get better from here on out! Everyone has or will go through struggles. The struggles may be temporary or long lasting, however you can choose how to feel about the struggle you face. You can either be depressed? Or take it for what it is and move the * on! It can be sickness, death, money, relationships, or traumatic events. It doesn't matter what it is, it only matters who is there to pick you back up in the end--GOD. Amen to that! 

There are are so many things that I'm grateful for today:
-loving and supporting parents that help me through my good times and bad
-my sister and her husband that welcomed me into their home; my sister being their when I need to talk and for voicing her opinion on everything I say even though...i hate it. 
-my big brother coming home safely to us in a few weeks after being in the Navy for so long. I can't wait for him to come home for good!
-my little brother fighting and BEATING cancer. 

This is me and you will read a lot more as I go along with this crazy thing called LIFE!