Monday, July 9, 2012

Day 1: Morning Workout

Happy Monday!  

So, I woke up at 7 and put on my favorite workout pants, running shoes, took a puff from my inhaler (*or else I'll die*) and ran my butt off on that tred! I actually found a picture on Pinterest that I was wanting to try. Let me just say-It's called killer Kardio for a reason!! If we're being honest here, I didn't end up finishing the last five reps because I found myself lying on the floor afterwards for sometime looking like a dead person! There is no way you can do this and not break a sweat! Try  it and let me know if you're more out of shape than I am!
                Yes, my inhaler says "Don't Die!"

Recap: For those that have not read yesterdays post I am starting a new workout and diet plan. I am very excited and pumped! I am pretty sure I am going to follow weight watchers again but also really change a lot of my regular eating habits. I will confess, I am a diet coke addict and will slowly shy myself away from it because I know if I cut it out right off the bat then I will binge and fall back t my regular bad habit. Also, loading up on veggies! It's sad, I am like a kid that won't eat my veggies on my plate served to me. I am basically worse than my three year old nephew. Whenever I begin a diet and working out phase I always end up going all out and working my butt off the first week and by the second week I am so burnt out that I forget the thought of working out and walk to the fridge. So, I am going to start out slow and steady. I am not going to force myself too hard the first couple workouts. I can't wait to get to a gym to begin zumba to dance my booty off then go to yoga to collect my thoughts and work on balance.  

Also, I found a blog that has really inspired me to not only get myself into a healthy routine but to be organized in my new healthy lifestyle. There are very helpful tips I found that are really going to help me this summer. All my friends are coming home from college and I know there will be traditional get together at Denny's so to avoid from eating unhealthy I need to ask questions how something I am curious about eating is made. Example- "Oh, it's smothered in bacon and butter?" Well, whatever that is sounds great but won't be so great the moment I step on the scale the next morning! My problem is, when there is a really yummy treat floating around the house I would love to lay my hands on it, however if I do I will not want to stop once I take that first bite so I rather just avoid it altogether which is something I need to remember when I am at a party. I am learning all these new things. I always thought a healthy lifestyle sounds so boring. You have to constantly worry about what you're taking in, you will stand out in the party when you order a salad for dinner and everyone else orders ribs, fried chicken, and pasta! Also, you worry constantly about the next day for the nail biting weigh in. Well! I realized that it doesn't have to be like that. You can enjoy what you're eating still even if it isn't dipped in oil and butter, you can still have a social life while eating healthy, and perhaps even the rest of the fam bam will jump on the healthy eating boat with you to make it ten times easier! It's a choice, you either do it or you don't. 

By all these healthy food changes I am making I am also realizing, well I do go to the movies a lot with friends...then what with the buttery popcorn calling my name left and right?! I can still have fun without shoving a 1000 calories into my mouth (literally a 1000, I'm not exaggerating). It's actually more than six McDonald cheeseburgers. I'm not trying to freak you out because I am guilty for smacking down on movie theater popcorn during a great movie too. However, to avoid extra calories pop your own 100 calorie popcorn before the movie and bring healthy snacks, hide it in your purse ladies! 

Another bad thing I do is I tend to not drink enough water. I literally can go days without water. It's awful! So, to force me to drink more water I was inspired by the same blog. 

Make the times on your bottles goals to work toward to drink the amount before the time on it. Did I explain that right? Anyways, this is a great way to not only drink more water throughout the day but keep track of how much you're drinking all day while running around and working. You can buy these bottles at Home Goods.

I am excited to learn all these new things about the food I am eating and eventually try yummy, healthy recipes that I can share with all of you. I have to try them all first before they are blogging worthy! Please let me know any helpful tips you have for me or information that I'll need along the way. 

Happy Monday everyone!!

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